The Chiropractic Experts Research
Diagnosing Vertebral Artery Dissection: Commentary On The 2014 Mattox Case Report In Gilbert AZ
Diagnosing Vertebral Artery Dissection: Commentary on the 2014 Mattox Case Report in Gilbert AZ CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE ARTICLE Introduction In 2014, Mattox et al. published the case report Recognition of Spontaneous Vertebral Artery Dissection Preempting Spinal Manipulative Therapy: A Patient Presenting With Neck Pain and Headache for Chiropractic Care.1 Although this case report…
Cervical Spine Manipulation, Immediate Stroke, and the Diagnosis of Dissection: A Commentary on Cassidy 2008 In Gilbert AZ
Cervical Spine Manipulation, Immediate Stroke, and the Diagnosis of Dissection: A Commentary on Cassidy 2008 in Gilbert AZ CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE ARTICLE Commentary Cassidy et al. published a 2008 study entitled, Risk of Vertebrobasilar Stroke and Chiropractic Care: Results of a Population-Based Case-Control and Case-Crossover Study.1 The objective of this study was to…
Cervical Spine Manipulation and Causation of Cervical Artery Dissection: A Review of 10 Case Reports in Gilbert AZ
Cervical Spine Manipulation and Causation of Cervical Artery Dissection: A Review of 10 Case Reports in Gilbert AZ CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE ARTICLE Abstract Recent media coverage of high-profile cases of cervical artery dissection (CAD) has ignited the discussion about the role of cervical spine manipulation (CSM) in causing cervical artery dissection. However, research…
Diagnosis of Cervical Spinal Cord Multiple Sclerosis by a Chiropractic Physician: A Case Report in Gilbert AZ
Diagnosis of Cervical Spinal Cord Multiple Sclerosis by a Chiropractic Physician: A Case Report in Gilbert AZ CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE ARTICLE Abstract We present a case report of diagnosis of cervical spine multiple sclerosis by a chiropractic physician. This unique case contributes an account of a challenging differential diagnosis to the literature. A…
Impacted and Angulated Right Hip Fracture in a Patient Reporting No History of Trauma Presenting to a Chiropractic Physician: A Case Report in Gilbert AZ
Impacted and Angulated Right Hip Fracture in a Patient Reporting No History of Trauma Presenting to a Chiropractic Physician: A Case Report in Gilbert AZ Abstract A case involving a patient with an impacted and angulated femoral neck fracture presenting to a chiropractic physician is rare. This unique case contributes an account of a challenging…
Plausible Mechanisms of Causation of Immediate Stroke by Cervical Spine Manipulation: A Narrative Review in Gilbert AZ
Plausible Mechanisms of Causation of Immediate Stroke by Cervical Spine Manipulation: A Narrative Review in Gilbert AZ Abstract It has been proposed that cervical spine manipulation (CSM) can cause dissection in healthy cervical arteries, with resultant immediate stroke. However, research does not support a causal association between CSM and cervical artery dissection (CAD) in healthy…