Chiropractic Expert Witness Plaintiff or Defense

Independent Medical Examinations
Medical File Review

Expert Witness Gilbert AZ Olivia Brown

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Expert Witness

The Chiropractic Experts

Expert Witness Gilbert AZ Steven Brown


Dr. Brown works with both plaintiff and defense attorneys as a standard of care and causation witness and has deposition and trial experience. He provides impartial and evidence-based opinions on cases involving spinal manipulation, vertebral artery dissection, internal carotid artery dissection, stroke, disc injury, spinal cord injury, cauda equina syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome, fractures, and pneumothorax.

Dr. Brown is the world's leading medicolegal expert witness on the causal relationship of cervical spine manipulation with cervical artery dissection and stroke. He has reviewed 44 malpractice cases of stroke following cervical spine manipulation with 27 of those cases involving stroke occurring immediately after neck manipulation. He has published six peer reviewed research studies on this topic in the Journal of Forensic & Legal Medicine, Forensic Science International: Cases, Cureus Journal of Medical Science, and the Journal of the International Academy of Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine.

Dr. Brown has given conference presentations on manipulation, dissection and stroke for the American College of Chiropractic Consultants, the American Chiropractic Association Council of Forensic Sciences, the University of Bridgeport Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine Symposium, and the International Webinar on Neurology & Brain Disorders. He has contributed articles to Attorney At Law Magazine, Arizona Attorney Magazine, Chiropractic Economics, and Dynamic Chiropractic.

Dr. Brown has completed extensive postgraduate education in cervical spine manipulation, cervical artery dissection and stroke. This includes the Cervical Artery Dissection-DDX© Certification from PostGradDC. PostGradDC coursework is approved and recognized by National Chiropractic Mutual Insurance Company (NCMIC) and the International Academy of Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine.

Dr. Brown performs peer review for the journals Stroke and the Cureus Journal of Medical Science. He is a member of the American Academy of Neurology, the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association, the American College of Chiropractic Consultants, the American Chiropractic Association, and the Arizona Chiropractic Association. As a faculty associate at Arizona State University, he has taught courses on anatomy, kinesiology, and exercise physiology.

With over 30 years of clinical experience, Dr. Brown's mission is to educate, inform, and assist the legal community and the public on the benefits and risks of chiropractic care. Dr. Brown is also available for independent medical examinations and medical file review.

Expert Witness Gilbert AZ Olivia Brown


Olivia has over 20 years of experience as a licensed massage therapist. She has knowledge of the standard of care for the massage therapy profession and the correct techniques for draping and respecting personal boundaries during massage therapy.

She has experience hiring, training, and managing a staff of up to five licensed massage therapists in a multidisciplinary office working with chiropractic, acupuncture, physical therapy, and naturopathic providers. She is a certified Chiropractic Assistant in Arizona and has expertise in the legal requirements for massage therapists working as a Chiropractic Assistant underneath the license of a chiropractic physician.

Olivia was one of the first massage therapists in the USA certified in Graston Technique in 2018. She completed training for Graston Technique Specialist in 2021. She is experienced in the proper techniques for gua sha/scraping, cupping, and medical massage therapy procedures. She is also a trauma-informed certified breathwork facilitator.